Produção científica de membros do grupo
Bispo DDC, Brandão PRP, Pereira DA, et al. Altered structural connectivity in olfactory disfunction after mild COVID-19 using probabilistic tractography. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):12886. Published 2023 Aug 9. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-40115-7
Grippe T, Chen R. Utility of Neurophysiological Evaluation in Movement Disorders Clinical Practice. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023;10(11):1599-1610. Published 2023 Aug 18. doi:10.1002/mdc3.13856
Brandão PRP, Pereira DA, Grippe TC, et al. Parkinson's Disease-Cognitive Rating Scale (PD-CRS): Normative Data and Mild Cognitive Impairment Assessment in Brazil. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023;10(3):452-465. Published 2023 Feb 25. doi:10.1002/mdc3.13657
Shamli Oghli Y, Grippe T, Arora T, Hoque T, Darmani G, Chen R. Mechanisms of theta burst transcranial ultrasound induced plasticity in the human motor cortex. Brain Stimul. 2023;16(4):1135-1143. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2023.07.056
Koshimoto BHB, Brandão PRP, Borges V, et al. Floor and ceiling effects on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment in patients with Parkinson's disease in Brazil. Dement Neuropsychol. 2023;17:e20230022. Published 2023 Dec 4. doi:10.1590/1980-5764-DN-2023-0022
Cunha NSC, Grippe T, Boechat-Barros R, et al. Evaluation of the Cutaneous Silent Period in a Healthy Brazilian Population. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2023;40(6):541-546. doi:10.1097/WNP.0000000000000921
Grippe T, Chen R. Botulinum toxin in the management of parkinsonian disorders. Toxicon. 2023;232:107209. doi:10.1016/j.toxicon.2023.107209
Bispo DDC, Brandão PRP, Pereira DA, et al. Brain microstructural changes and fatigue after COVID-19. Front Neurol. 2022;13:1029302. Published 2022 Nov 10. doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.1029302
Grippe T, Desai N, Arora T, Chen R. Use of non-invasive neurostimulation for rehabilitation in functional movement disorders. Front Rehabil Sci. 2022;3:1031272. Published 2022 Nov 16. doi:10.3389/fresc.2022.1031272
Manzke P, Crippa JAS, Marchioni C, Queiroz MEC, Brito MCM, Pimentel AV, Bosaipo NB, Foss MP, Tumas V. Circulating Endocannabinoids in Huntington's Disease: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study. J Huntingtons Dis. 2022 Jan 29. doi: 10.3233/JHD-210507.
Carvalho MR, Dal Berto BS, Santos PL, Azevedo GC, Fernandez RNM, Grippe T. COVID-19 as the trigger for respiratory failure in neuromuscular diseases. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2021 Mar;79(3):264-265. doi: 10.1590/0004-282X-ANP-2020-0469.
Santos-Lobato BL, Schumacher-Schuh A, Mata IF, Letro GH, Braga-Neto P, Brandão PRP, Godeiro-Junior CO, Coletta MVD, Camargos ST, Borges V, Rieder CRM, Tumas V. Genetics of Parkinson's disease in Brazil: a systematic review of monogenic forms. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2021 Jul;79(7):612-623. doi: 10.1590/0004-282X-anp-2020-0409.
Godeiro C, França C, Carra RB, Saba F, Saba R, Maia D, Brandão P, Allam N, Rieder CRM, Freitas FC, Capato T, Spitz M, Faria DD, Cordellini M, Veiga BAAG, Rocha MSG, Maciel R, Melo LB, Möller PDS, R R Júnior M, Fornari LHT, Mantese CE, Barbosa ER, Munhoz RP, Coletta MVD, Cury RG. Use of non-invasive stimulation in movement disorders: a critical review. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2021 Jul;79(7):630-646. doi: 10.1590/0004-282X-ANP-2020-0381
Brandão PRP, Grippe TC, Pereira DA, Munhoz RP, Cardoso F. New-Onset Movement Disorders Associated with COVID-19. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2021 Jul 8;11:26. doi: 10.5334/tohm.595.
Grippe T, Cunha NSCD, Brandão PRP, Fernandez RNM, Cardoso FEC. How can neurophysiological studies help with movement disorders characterization in clinical practice? A review. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2020;78(8):512-522. Published 2020 May 29. doi:10.1590/0004-282X20190195
Faber I, Brandão PRP, Menegatti F, de Carvalho Bispo DD, Maluf FB, Cardoso F. Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Parkinsonism: A Non-post-encephalitic Case. Mov Disord. 2020 Oct;35(10):1721-1722. doi: 10.1002/mds.28277.
Sabino-Carvalho JL, Cartafina RA, Guimarães GM, Brandão PRP, Lang JA, Vianna LC. Baroreflex function in Parkinson's disease: insights from the modified-Oxford technique. J Neurophysiol. 2020 Oct 1;124(4):1144-1151. doi: 10.1152/jn.00443.2020.
Brandão PRP, Munhoz RP, Grippe TC, Cardoso FEC, de Almeida E Castro BM, Titze-de-Almeida R, Tomaz C, Tavares MCH. Cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease: A clinical and pathophysiological overview. J Neurol Sci. 2020 Dec 15;419:117177. doi: 10.1016/j.jns.2020.117177.
Manzke P, Grippe T, Tavares GL, et al. Anti-GAD Antibody-associated syndrome presenting with Lymb Myoclonus . Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2018; doi: 10.7916/D8NK4XVP
Faber I, Martinez ARM, Martins CR, et al. SPG11-related parkinsonism: Clinical profile, molecular imaging and l-dopa response. Mov Disord. 2018;33(10):1650-1656.
Grippe TC, Allam N, Brandão PRP, et al. Is transcranial sonography useful for diagnosing Parkinson's disease in clinical practice?. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2018;76(7): 459-466
Faber I, Martinez ARM, de Rezende TJR, et al. SPG11 mutations cause widespread white matter and basal ganglia abnormalities, but restricted cortical damage. Neuroimage Clin. 2018;19: 848-857 Published June 9, 2018. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2018.05.031
Dias MDS, Brandão PR, Grippe T, Jovem C, Gomes M, Pereira FF. Delayed hemiparkinsonism after closed head injury. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2018;76(1): 60-61
Servelhere KR, Faber I, Martinez A, et al. Botulinum toxin for hereditary spastic paraplegia: effects on motor and non-motor manifestations. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2018;76(3): 183-188
Brandão, P, Grippe, T, Modesto, LC, Ferreira, AGF, Silva, FM, Pereira, FF, Lobo, ME, Allam, N, Freitas, TDS, & Munhoz, RP. (2018). Decisions about deep brain stimulation therapy in Parkinson’s disease. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 76(6), 411-420. https://dx.doi.org/10.1590/0004-282x20180048
Talyta Grippe, Natalia Cunha, Danilo Pereira, Marcelo Lobo, FlavioPereira, Pedro Manzke, Pedro Brandão. Exploratory risk analysis for motor complications and non-motor symptoms: observations in a registry of a tertiary Parkinson’s disease center in Brasilia, Brazil (P2.038). Neurology Apr 2018, 90 (15 Supplement) P2.038;
Talyta Grippe, Nasser Allam, Pedro Brandão, Danilo Pereira, AnaCarolina Aguilar, Natalia Cunha, Iruena Kessler. Transcranial sonography in real clinical practice: Differential diagnosis between idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, atypical parkinsonism and essential tremor (P3.078). Neurology Apr 2018, 90 (15 Supplement) P3.078;
Vitor de Souza Brangioni MC, Pereira DA, Thibaut A, Fregni F, Brasil-Neto JP, Boechat-Barros R. Effects of Prefrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Motivation to Quit in Tobacco Smokers: A Randomized, Sham Controlled, Double-Blind Trial. Front Pharmacol. 2018;9: 14. doi:10.3389/fphar.2018.00014
Faber I, Pereira ER, Martinez ARM, França M, Teive HAG. Hereditary spastic paraplegia from 1880 to 2017: an historical review. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2017;75(11): 813-818
Barbosa PM, Grippe T, Lees AJ, O'Sullivan S, Djamshidian A, Warner TT. Compulsive sexual behaviour in Parkinson's disease is associated with higher doses of levodopa. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. jnnp-2017-317298. doi:10.1136/jnnp-2017-317298
Nasser A, Batista JS, Brandão P, Grippe T. A case of coenesthetic hallucinations treated with low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Stimul. 2017;10(4): 845-846
Faber I, Branco LMT, França Júnior MC. Cognitive dysfunction in hereditary spastic paraplegias and other motor neuron disorders. Dement Neuropsychol. 2016;10(4): 276-279
Chien, H. F., Rosso, A., Santos, A., Rieder, C., Maia, D. P., Silva, D., Andrade, M., Coletta, M., Costa, M., Allam, N., Prado, R., Borges, V., Tumas, V., … Horta, W. G. (2016). Brief considerations on the dispensation profile of the botulinum toxin type A by the Brazilian Unified Health System for treatment of dystonias: Datasus data. eNeurologicalSci, 5, 11-14doi:10.1016/j.ensci.2016.07.001
Amorim, R. F., Scalco, M., de Freitas-Ferrari, M. C., Freitas, T., Moreno, H., Brietzke, A. P., & Brasil-Neto, J. (2017). Lack of protocols for handling missing sessions of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in depression trials: what are the risks of neglecting missing sessions?. Revista brasileira de psiquiatria (Sao Paulo, Brazil : 1999), 39.(4), 382-383
Freitas TDS, Fonoff ET, Marquez Neto OR, et al. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Painful Mononeuropathy Secondary to Leprosy: A 12-Month Follow-Up Study. Neuromodulation. 2018;21(3): 310-316
Iannone A, Brasil-Neto J, Cruz APM, Satler C, Allam N. Therapeutic effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on neuropsychological symptoms of an elderly patient: A case report. Dement Neuropsychol. 2017;11(3): 304-307
Marquez Neto OR, Leite MS, Freitas T, Mendelovitz P, Villela EA, Kessler IM. The role of magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of peripheral nerves following traumatic lesion: where do we stand?. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2017;159(2): 281-290
Spedo, C. T., Frndak, S. E., Marques, V. D., Foss, M. P., Pereira, D. A., Carvalho, L., Guerreiro, C. T., Conde, R. M., Fusco, T., Pereira, A. J., Gaino, S. B., Garcia, R. B., Benedict, R. H., … Barreira, A. A. Cross-cultural Adaptation, Reliability, and Validity of the BICAMS in Brazil. The Clinical neuropsychologist. 2015; 29.(6), 836-46
Brandão P, Jovem C, Brasil-Neto JP, Tomaz C, Descoteaux M, Allam N. Congenital mirror movements: lack of decussation of pyramids. Brain. 2014;137(Pt 8): e292
Medeiros de A Nunes V, Alchieri JC, Azevedo LM, Varela de Oliveira KM, Pereira DA. Cognitive assessment in elderly residents of long-stay institutions. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2014;37(1-2): 27-33
do Vale, F., Corrêa Neto, Y., Bertolucci, P., Machado, J., da Silva, D. J., Allam, N., Balthazar, M., … Group Recommendations in Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology. (2011). Treatment of Alzheimer's disease in Brazil: II. Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Dementia & neuropsychologia, 5.(3), 189-197
do Vale, F., Corrêa Neto, Y., Bertolucci, P., Machado, J., da Silva, D. J., Allam, N., Balthazar, M., … Group Recommendations in Alzheimer’s Disease and Vascular Dementia of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology. (2011). Treatment of Alzheimer's disease in Brazil: I. Cognitive disorders. Dementia & neuropsychologia, 5.(3), 178-188
Gomes PV, Brasil-Neto JP, Allam N, Rodrigues de Souza E. A randomized, double-blind trial of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in obsessive-compulsive disorder with three-month follow-up. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2012;24(4): 437-43
Deogaonkar M, Freitas T, Machado A, Rezai A. Subthalamic nucleus targeting using interpeduncular cistern as an internal landmark. Neurosurgery. 2011;69(2 Suppl Operative): ons225-9
Lobo ME, Araújo ML, Tomaz CA, Allam N. Stiff-person syndrome treated with rituximab. BMJ Case Rep. 2010;2010: bcr0520103021. Published December 13, 2010. doi:10.1136/bcr.05.2010.3021
Weiler F, Brandão P, Barros-Filho Jd, Uribe CE, Pessoa VF, Brasil-Neto JP. Low frequency (0.5Hz) rTMS over the right (non-dominant) motor cortex does not affect ipsilateral hand performance in healthy humans. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2008;66(3B): 636-40
Allam N, Brasil-Neto JP, Brandão P, Weiler F, Barros Filho Jd, Tomaz C. Relief of primary cervical dystonia symptoms by low frequency transcranial magnetic stimulation of the premotor cortex: case report. Arq Neuropsiquiatr. 2007;65(3A): 697-9
Capítulos de livros e Fascículos
Impacto dos sintomas não motores e qualidade de vida na doença de Parkinson
Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
Publisher: Editora Omnifarma Ltda.
Authors: Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão, Talyta Grippe
Tratamento farmacológico das distonias
At: Recomendações sobre Tratamento de Distonias e outras hipercinesias
Autoria: Departamento Científico de Transtornos do Movimento da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
Autores do Capítulo: Delson José da Silva, Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão, Elizabeth Maria Aparecida B. Quagliato , Felipe Sampaio Saba, Roberto César Pereira do Prado
Transtornos do Movimento induzidos por drogas
At: Transtornos do Movimento: diagnóstico e tratamento
Autoria: Departamento Científico de Transtornos do Movimento da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
Delson José da Silva, Nasser Allam, Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão
Doença de Parkinson - Perguntas e Respostas
Editora: Omnifarma LTDA; Departamento de Transtornos do Movimento - Academia Brasileira de Neurologia
ISBN: 978-85-62477-61-4
Edition: Primeira
Autores: Chien Hsin Fen, Delson José da Silva, Marcus Coletta, Carlos Henrique Camargo, Pedro Renato de Paula Brandão
Semiologia Neurológica
Editora: Thieme Revinter
ISBN: 8537206911
ISBN13: 9788537206911
Edição: Primeira
Autores: Carlos Roberto Martins, Marcondes C. França, Jr, Alberto R. M Martinez, Ingrid Faber, Anamarli Nucci